Corel Draw Clipart Collection Free Download
How to Use Clipart
Click on any of the images below to view full-size.
To get started, first we need to open the CONNECT Content docker, which is where you can look for items on your computer or network. Under the Window menu, choose Dockers > CONNECT Content. The four items that initially appear are from CorelDRAW's starter pack: two photos which are raster images, and two vector images.
You can use the slider at the bottom of the docker to change the thumbnail size.
Use drag and drop to place any clipart image into your document. Once imported, you can resize, rotate, move, ungroup or convert to curves, etc.
CONNECT Content Docker Options
If you right-click on a clipart image in the docker, the context menu has an option to Import at original position, which will place the clipart into the center of the document at its actual size. If you want to specify the size or location, choose Import instead. Choosing Properties displays tags and categories, and the Edit option for a vector image opens its source file in which you can make changes.
Hover over an image to see its file name and the file location where it's stored. Raster images are generally JPGs, and vector images are CDR, CMX or could be other formats as well.
Click on the Open folder location icon to open the folder that contains the current collection. The starter pack, and any additional installed content from Corel, is stored in Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Images.
Adding New Clipart
If you want to specify another folder in which to search for images, click the Choose content source dropdown and click on Add new… at the bottom.
Then click Create Alias and browse to the location on your computer where your folder is located. Select it and then click Select. The images in that folder will appear in the CONNECT Content docker, and the folder is now listed in the Chose content source dropdown list.
To expand your clipart content beyond the starter pack, click the Get More icon in the top right corner of the docker. This will open the Get More window, which has many free packs you can install, such as Modern Life, and many for purchase as well. After installing, you'll have many more categories to choose from when you click on the Chose content source dropdown.
Searching for Clipart
If you are looking for a specific clipart image, you can use the search bar at the top of the CONNECT Content docker. Select All Content (or another folder you wish to search in) in the Chose content source dropdown and enter a search term such as "sun." The folder you specified will be searched for image names or tags containing the word "sun."
How to Add Clipart to a CorelDRAW Document
As mentioned earlier, bringing clipart into your document from the browser is straightforward – just drag and drop, or use the import options from the right-click context menu. Raster images are imported as any other photo and can be moved, resized, rotated, etc. using the Pick tool.
Bringing in vector images is done the same way, and because these are vector files, you can manipulate these objects. Some are relatively simple, like the black linework cat, and others are more complex, like the rabbit with multiple filled curves.
The Objects docker (Window > Dockers > Objects) is the place to check what comprises a clipart image. The black cat in this example has a non-transparent white background. When you delete the white rectangle object in the Objects docker, the background disappears.
You could also select all the black curves and change them to a different color by clicking on a swatch in the Color palette.
Finally, you can use clipart or photos as fill. When a closed curve is selected, and you drag a photo onto the selected curve, the curve clips the photo, and the photo tiles.
You can use the Properties docker (Window > Dockers > Properties) to adjust fill properties, such as size and location.
If you drag a vector image into a selected curve, it will tile the same way.
Now that you understand the basics of how to use clipart in CorelDRAW, you can start building your clipart library to use in your graphic design projects.
Corel Draw Clipart Collection Free Download
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