
How To Draw A Lip Easy

How to Draw Lips for Beginners

Learning how to draw realistic lips tin be intimidating. But if you break information technology down into basic shapes to use as guidelines, information technology becomes much easier.

That's exactly how we're going to approach this lips drawing today. Learning to describe anything takes practice if you want to go actually practiced at information technology. The more you lot draw the better you will become. And then let's gather upwards our supplies and get started.

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Art Supplies

  • Paper or cardstock
  • Pencil
  • Blending stump
  • Eraser

How to Draw Realistic Lips Step by Step

Every bit I mentioned earlier the first thing you need to practice is draw out some basic shapes to utilise equally guides.

Begin by drawing a direct horizontal line on your newspaper.


Side by side describe an almond shape around that line and then it's lined upwards through the heart of the shape.


Don't stress out near your lines and shapes existence perfect. Follow the steps and practice the best you can. The more lip drawings you do, the meliorate you will get.

Next depict a triangle where the lesser touches the lower edge of your lips shape. And extends slightly above the peak of the lips.

Using the triangle as a guide, describe a small curved line at the height of your almond shape. Make this line the same width as your triangle is at that point.

Describe a similar line at the horizontal line. This line will not be equally broad as the triangle. Draw it slightly smaller than the first one.

Draw ii circles in the bottom department of your lip drawing. They should start at the centre indicate of your triangle and extend by the edges of the triangle.

These circles volition be used to round out the lines for the lips.

Now describe the center line for your lips. Bend the line around the two circles. And then curve back up at the corners of the mouth.


Everyone has a different shaped mouth. There is no exact way to depict parts of a face. Follow the steps using a reference photo of a mouth to practice drawing the lips of an actual person.

Connect the modest curved line yous drew before to the edges of the mouth with curved lines. There are different ways to draw this line depending on the shape of the person's lips.

Do the same thing for the lower lip, curving your lines around the circles.


Erase your guidelines and clean up your cartoon before moving on to the side by side step.

Lip Drawing Shading with Pencil

Start shading in the darkest areas of your lips. This is going to be where the upper and lower lips meet. And at the bottom edge of the bottom lip.

If you want your shading to be softer, use a blending stump to smoothen out your pencil strokes.

Lightly add together in some lines for the wrinkles in the lips. Draw these lines then they follow the profile of your lips.


Keep building upwardly layers of pencil for the shading. Work back and forth betwixt adding more pencils strokes and blending with the stump.

Brand sure you're keeping the darkest areas darker than the rest of your lips.

Keep working on your lips drawing until you lot're satisfied with your shading.


Utilize a kneaded eraser if you need to elevator some of the graphite from your drawing.

Finding Lips to Depict

Most things are easier to depict with some kind of reference. Whether it's a photo or existent life. It'due south all-time to depict from life but that's not always a possibility.

The next best thing is a reference photograph. These can be found on the net, or you could purchase a volume to draw from.

One such book is Facial Expressions. There are hundreds of images in the book. And all sorts of different facial expressions. This book is a great resource to accept.

How to Draw Lips Like a Pro

If y'all desire to become really skillful at draw lips, then you need to draw as many as you lot possibly can.

You don't have to draw them all with shading. Focus on the overall shape of the lips.

Cartoon lips several times volition help you to amend understand what you're actually seeing.

Repetition is the all-time way to get really good at drawing lips or anything else.

Challenge yourself to draw ane hundred lips. I guarantee you'll see a big departure between the first cartoon and the final. Or but practise a 7 day drawing claiming and depict some lips each day for seven days.

Get Your FREE Fine art Challenge Guide

How to Depict Realistic Lips | Beginner Art Tutorial

Don't let learning how to draw lips intimidate yous. Give information technology a try and don't worry about everything beingness perfect.

Become the bones process downward and so do drawing as many lips as you can. Accept fun and savor learning to draw.

Next calendar week we're going to learn how to draw cartoon lips. Only y'all have to learn to describe realistic lips first.

See you next week. If you need help post your struggles in the comments and we'll get back to you.

Drawing Tutorials Like How to Depict Lips

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How To Draw A Lip Easy,


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